Become a member
Are you not a member, but do you want to be? As a member of Biologica you are welcome to join all activities of our association. A membership only costs 12 euro's per year, as a member you also get discount on studybooks en readers!
Trough this page you can immediately sign up. Do you need help signing up or do you want to come for a chat? Then visit us at the Biologica 'Hok' which is in Forum in room 0111!
Apart from being a general Biologica member, you can also join M.S.A. Minoa, our sub-association for Marine Sciences students. A membership of Minoa costs €5,00 on top of the Biologica membership fee.
Do you also want to become a member of the NIBI (Dutch institute of Biology) and receive the magazine BioNieuws, which comes every 2 weeks, for only 25 euro's a year? Send an email to or come by the Hok.
Changes in your personal data
Did you move? Do you have a new phone number, emailaddress or bank code? Send an email to or drop by "het Hok" (room 111 in Forum) to have a boardmember change your personal data. This will not happen automatically (without notifying us)!
Sign out?
If you wish to sign out as a member of B.V.W. Biologica, you can send an email to: Please include your contact details in this email. Attention: You will not automatically be deregistered from the association when you graduate!